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(Physical Therapist Assistant) 

Tani Mollahan is a licensed physical therapist assistant who graduated from the Mount Hood Community College Physical Therapist Assistant Program. With over 22 years of experience, Tani's broad background ranges from inpatient and outpatient care to pool therapy and home health. Tani's extensive training in therapeutic exercise enables her to design highly-effective specialized programs. Known for her "good hands," Tani's manual therapy ability and deep soft-tissue skills are a real asset at the clinic. 

Tani is married and has two daughters. She has lived in and served this community for over 20 years. An avid runner, you might see Tani running through some of the local wooded trails on weekends. Her co-workers only marvel at how she can run such rugged terrain! Tani, like John, believes that health is a lifestyle that requires proper choices every day. 

Tani's attitude is a tremendous asset to patients during the rehab process. Her positive attitude helps propel patients to new levels. Andrew Physical Therapy is privileged to have such a well-rounded clinician. 




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